For some reason, I forgot to have a vacation in the summer '11. Sooo here is a very long list for all the nights spent in the city.
Who makes babies? The clouds, of course, and they all have partner storks who carry off the babies to their surrogate parents down on the ground! Our stork is a little bit unlucky, its partner cloud always makes babies that hurt it, when carrying them down to the gr
ound. It really needs to find a solution, and very soon, otherwise he will have no feathers left for him to fly!.

It is a bleak
world, a bit different from ours . every time and every day of a person's life seems to be planned and lived all the sa
me. when our boy is on the beach he finds a thing. He plays with the thing, and when it's time to leave the beach, the beach is closed on the same hour like like any other day, he finds that there is no one to take care of the thing. He takes the thing home, the thing is not welcomed by his parents, no not at all. He will either have to take the thing to the authorities, - there seem to be other things like him, the authorities collect them all under the same roof,- or he can trust a
whisper, and take the thing to the land of the lost things.

It is his decision to make..

This is the story of the life of Elzeard Bouffier between 1910-1947. When we meet Elzeard he is already a middle aged man, living alone in the barren mountains with his sheep. The remaining 40 years he turns the barren mountains into a thriving forest. He does everything by himself, with no soul to talk to, he even loses his sheep after the first few years. It is a beautiful tale. One should not look for logic as it is a tale. The animation is not easy to watch, but each screen is like an impressionist painting. I don't know if it were my hormones doing the crying, but i cried a good deal in the end.
Hedgehog in on its way to meet his friend the bear, but it is night, and the forest is not the safest place to be.
Vincent is
a young boy, Vincent Malloy. He is into Edgar Allan Poe, and wants to be like Vincent Price. A 6 minute short by Tim Burton, the movie is narrated by Vincent Price. Suffice to say!


of the richest person in China and represented the Chinese Government in several global meeting before branded as a traitor. the movie itself is not very objective, so further investigation on the subject is recommended.
Admittedly i turned off the TV after the first 20 minutes. This is not a movie for people like myself who tend to ignore cruel facts. The movie is about what one species does to the remaining species on our planet. You think you are ready and know everything, wait till you see a garbage man throw a stray dog in a garbage truck and watch him get squashed as the rest of the garbage.
Some rural French town, there is one teacher to all the children between the ages 4-11. We see all of the children and the teacher interact. We see the parents of the children struggle to help the children with their homework. This is the last teaching year for teacher, he is retiring next year and two of the children will go to middle school. The teacher is strict but he loves each child individually and you see their respect and love for him. you can see the teacher's contribution to the the adults the children will turn into.
All the following movies are the Production Of Ghibli Studios (founded in 1985 to bring a fresh wind to the Japanese cinema, thus the name Ghibli- run by Miyazaki, Takahata and producer Suziki). And they were all lovely.

and the king of cats whisks you off to Kingdom of Cats to marry his son. And what if every hour you spend in the Kingdon you gradually turn into a cat. Who do you need? Yes the cat detective Baron and his sidekick fat Matu; with both of whom we met in the Whisper of the heart. I have a huge crush on Matu.

Did not really like it, there are people with special abilities and a psychiatric doctor who is both their supervisor and their doctor. They all work for the FBI, they also catch other people with special abilities and brand them with being good or bad. The bad ones go to a FBI facility to be tamed.
Buffy is back! This time she plays twins, one a witness to a murder case, the other a rich socialite. One of them commits suicide, the other takes her place..sounds familiar? for some reason i am reminded of seagull island from the 80s
For Something Light
korean romantic comedy/drama, i found it very enjoyable. a quote i snatched from imdb, since i didnt write it down during the movie: (When Gyun-Woo tries to give clues to the potential fiancee of his ex-girlfriend)
The 10 Rules: 1. Don't ask her to be feminine 2. Don't let her drink over three glasses 3. Drink coffee instead of Coke/Juice 4. If she hits you, act like it hurts. If it hurts, act like it doesn't 5. On your 100th day together, give her a rose during her class 6. Make sure you learn fencing and squash 7. Be prepared to go to prison sometimes 8. If she says she'll kill you, don't take it lightly 9. If her feet hurt, exchange shoes with her 10. She likes to write. Encourage her
The wave has a very good plot. But there are things i dont really buy. I remember being in high school and do not think any of us would be a The Wave fan.
A teacher is teaching autocracy this semester for the project week (he really wanted to teach anarchism) and he offers to live and experiment what an autocracy is. he wants the students to learn while experiencing being part of a group and how strong and safe that group feeling makes the individuals. Unfortunately, he does not realize how some students are vulnerable to this feeling.
summary: dead poets society gone wrong
Imperial China: detectve dee is pulled out of prison to solve a crime where the top officials start burning within just a few days before the crowning of the ever first empress.
Nice fight scenes
a bullshit movie. the actors dont make sense together. they are not believable. the plot starts as promising but gets bored with itself. people start losing their senses all around the world, first smell than taste. everyone is waiting what the next sense will be. These losses start with infinite crying for smell loss and gorging on everthing for taste loss. Ewan and Eva find each other accidentally and try to make out with the time little time they have. I walked out after the first hour, so i dont know the rest.
For Something Very Light
a very unneccesary movie. i'm sorry that i watched it. there is a father and a daughter who've apparantly been training in every martial art, weaponry, language since the girl was born. when the girl is 16 she says i'm ready and they click some button and some agents learn that they are alive and everything turns into a gun,kick,punch movie afterwards. the father dies, he is not the father afterall. he just brought her up. she is the last of the experimental super childs that were genetically played with to make perfect agents. and the agency wants to destroy her, especially one woman , who is obsessed. finally the girl kills the woman, we're content.
and the REST (not on the light side)
sin nombre: The greatest sin of all is risking nothing.
A father, brother, and a daughter travel from Honduras to Mexico. From Mexico they will try to make their way to the US. The father already has a new family in the US and also want to take her daughter. In mexico they meet Casper, who is running away from his gang. The gang leader killed his girlfriend, and he killed tha gang leader, the whole gang and also other gangs are after him, Sanya's father and uncle dies and they try to make it across the border with Casper...
an entomologist from tokyo is on a relaxed work trip in a remote village, where he is collecting insect specimens. he misses the last bus to the city and asks the locals for a bed to spend the night in. They take him to a bed and breakfast where the hostess is the only person in the house. All the houses in the village are in sand dunes and all depend on each other in their built structure. You go down to the houses by a ladder. We learn that the hostess's husband and child dies in a sand storm a couple of years ago. when the man wakes to leave for the bus, he finds the ladder taken away. he is trapped in a house with a woman he does not know. And to survive they need to fill out buckets of sand that blows in all thru the night and send those buckets up to the surface. The man dislikes the woman but thru their continuous physical activities , they start having sexual relations as well, this heightens the man's dislike. He plans on escaping all the time, one time he almost succeeds,. As time passes the man strangely finds himself serene during his days. his restlessness seems to disappear as time passes. he figures to distill water from moist sand and get fresh water, his discovery gives him extreme existential contentment. Then there comes a day the opportunity window is wide open for escape.
Mohammad goes to a school in Tahran for the blind, during the summer holidays his father comes to pick him up and take him to the village as always. His father is not very enthusiastic to take him home. he is planning to remarry and does not want a blind son to scare off his bride. His two sisters and grandmother is delighted to have him home though. But the father does not rest until he sends his boy away to a blind carpenter for apprenticeship. This move will trigger a set of tragic events that the father did not ask for
a ken loach movie. a young woman working for a recruitment agency gets sacked. She decides to run an agency herself. She has a son who is living with her parents for the time being. To make her life better, she starts turning in to a heartless business person. she forgets that it is people she is dealing not other material. She starts using cheaper and cheaper workers, immigrants with papers, immigrants with no papers. We wait to see that she realize her mistake (there are many opportunities some at gun point)

And Books
Buzz: The Science and Lore ofAlcohol and Caffeine
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