So here goes this week's movies:
Le gamin au velo
7 (W)
8.5 (V)
The last movie of the Dardenne brothers, it will be one of my all time favorite movies. It is the story of Cyril, who is abandoned by his father. The movie starts off with him running from school and looking for his father, he does not believe anyone who tells him his father left him. He meets Samantha who tries to help him in finding his father and than later in finding who he wants to become. The child actor who plays Cyril is superb.

6.5 (V)
Last week German high school kids' malleability shocked me, this week the cruelty and lack of emotion of Japanese middle school kids shock me. A mother takes revenge on the murderers of her small daughter. The mother is a teacher and the murderers are two of her middle school pupils. On her last day of her school, while she makes a good bye speech to her class, she initiates her revenge plan with an innocent distribution of milk. The movie makes you very uncomfortable,
a moment to remember
7 (W)
7.5 (V)
A love story, which starts like a fairy tale. Su-Jin runs into Cheol-Su on the day she breaks up with her lover. Cheol-Su works for her father's company as a carpenter. They fall in love, they get married, Cheol-Su passes the Architecture Exams and Su-Jin gets Alzheimers. The memories they just started making together start to dissapper from Su-Jin. It is a very beautiful movie that make you remember how precious your memories are.

6 (W)
7 (V) The surreal portrayal of a family of six who live in rural Japan.
a separation - Nader and Simin
7 (W)
8.5 (V)
Asghar Farhadi, also the director of About Elly, wrote and directed A Seperation. He creates an almost perfect cinematic experience with this movie.
(the same indexes this time Readability (R) and Value (V)
7 (R)
4 (V) A nice book to read with several women characters from 60s Jackson, Mississippi. The women are quite vocal and clear in their voices. The book does not really go deeper than providing entertainment for the 2 hrs you read the book.
New Fall Shows Continued :
The main character is a woman with a medical condition, which does not let her forget anything ever. Unsuprisingly she is damaged frm some events in her past. She is an ex-cop, she runs into her ex-boyfriend who is also a cop, and ends up helping him in solving a murder. I will not be watching it.
person of interest
A millionaire or a billionaire made a machine after 9/11and sold it the government. The machine gives out two lists. One list is for the government to predict terrorist attacks, the other is for predicting petty crimes and murders. Our rich guy(who happens to be Ben from Lost) recruits an ex-something (can be a Seal, an FBI agent a serial killer) to stop all the murders in the list from happening. I will not be watching it
Will be watching it for a while. It seems to be a mash-up of OC, desperate housewives and Melrose Place. Very weightless and easy on the eyes.
1 yorum:
Bu yeni "look" cok hosuma gitti..numaralandirma da super. modern f. de cikmis galba gecen hafta?..ha bi de pan am ii galba yenilerden, sen gerci ezik 60 kadinlarini hos karsilamiyosun TV de. he he..
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