I was subjected to Libertines by my French professor, who happened to mention Sadism and Masochism are nouns derived from persons’ names. I read, usually taking his every hint by heart, Philosophy in the Bedroom, Justine, Venus in Furs - and was awed by the dialogues (monologues) by Sade’s characters. Still, then it made no sense, devoid of sentiments what would worldly pleasures mean? Libertines rebel against relationships, feelings, and morals. They act as life pleases them, they do not pay heed to any moral rule or any written rule for that. For them, life is just for selfish physical pleasure. Life is simply for enjoying.
Under the deception of love, people like to dictate, by weakening the other under the influence of love. All you need is love, love. Love is all you need. That is correct John. Weaken your loved one and then make him do what you want to do. Feel free to burden him with guilt, with your rights, and your morals. Love gives you this right.

200 years after Sade, his fellow countrymen cannot cease to make movies about loneliness, or existentialism. Individuals questioning their being and their role in life is an extended favorite subject of French cinema auteurs. Although the subject of loneliness and libertinism seem contradictory, I think they are essentially complimentary. Loneliness is; in effect not being able to express oneself to anyone including oneself; it is independent of the number of people around the individual. Sometimes as the number of people around one increase, the feeling of loneliness increases in return, as one needs to please all around him.
Everyone feels the need to love another to make sense of one’s existence. The love in question should be love without baggage. One should love another without any expectations. That is the true definition of love. Otherwise, we must change people we love like garments that don’t fit us anymore, (This is also not very easy, because with every break-up comes more burden, and self loathing),or try continuously to tailor our loved ones to our requirements. If we accept selfless love, and reciprocate selfless love to others, everyone will be free to do whatever he desires without fear of disappointing his loved ones. This is what I opt to call Post-Libertinism, libertinism with selfless love.
Solitude which seemed so far away and a frightening destiny, now seems a warm illusion. Going through life without the weight of moral responsibilities will be paradise. I wish I was strong enough to cut all my cords.
2 yorum:
cut all the cords? come now lady, if you know what i mean.... i like what you say as always but selfless love? i don't know what that is really. i cannot love anyone who i don't think loves me back. however, this doesn't give me any sorrow whatsoever. so in that sense i might be a libertine. i'd be fine on my own but i love the people i love ;)
Selfless love is an ideal just as Libertinism is, for me. Saying what "should" be is just theorising, and often can't really be achieved. Like with many concepts, it pretty much requires 100% participation, otherwise the whole system just invalidates itself. I do however like your ideas as an ideal concept, and appreciate the bitterness. I like the comments about children, had never thought of it that way. Although I'm not sure feeling the need to love somebody is the same as actually doing so. I often wish I had somebody to love, but experience and further efforts prove the wish to be nothing more than projected sentiment, the thought of "what if" being generally more pleasant than the realisation. I consider this to be the case often with other people. The desire to love and be loved is often somewhat different to its face value, often more of a wish to have some kind of sweet drama that one can lose oneself in.
But that said, it was a very interesting read, I am only a random reader, I found the blog by chance.
Keep up the interesting writing.
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