Çarşamba, Mart 26, 2008

To play the victim

This is a state of mind most people comfortably choose to be in. Feeling to be a victim helps one to sympathize with oneself. This state of mind comes more into play as a consequence of not liking what one has become.

I am a victim, I am a victim of my upbringing, of my family, of my partner, or my friends, of my work (the latter three ironically are the ones we actively choose).
What I have become is others’ fault.

I am a product of my family and my surroundings and the people who chose to bring me into this world and the other people I found myself tossed together in life have shaped the place I am in now. I am their product and they are responsible for my discontent in life, they are responsible for my weaknesses.

And so it goes..

Pitying oneself unfortunately does not help one to change his status quo. And this is exactly what one wants, one does not want to be subjected to change in any way, does not want to hurt anyone including himself with new choices, but still wants to voice (might be an internal voice ) one’s unhappiness.

Pitying oneself just makes way for more time to pass, paves the way for more self pity and depression.

For some, pitying oneself is just what makes the day go by.

Neil Gaiman

I do like him, i find his imagination brilliant.
Wish there were more like him.

Pazar, Mart 23, 2008

Rakibe's organic bed and breakfast

yeni hobim!, zaman öldürmek
myminilife.com da bu hafta epey zaman harcadım.
Aşağıda, oluşturduğum Bed and Brekfast yüklenmesi gerekiyordu. Ama beceremedim.

O yüzden sadece linki burada.